About Us

Bhumi Pasa Hijau (BPH).  Specializing in Understanding and Management of Natural Resources


BPH is a consulting company specializing in understanding and management of natural resources. BPH was established on July 25, 2018 at Bogor. BPH is committed to protecting the natural resources and environment. We commit to reduce environmental impact and to minimizing waste and pollution from our activities. 
We ensure that measures are implemented to protect and reserve natural ecosystem. We are committed to maintaining an effective environmental management system that complies with national and international standards. All our activities are carried out in conformance with applicable environmental legislation and other compliance obligations.


Provide professional and high quality services to arranging solutions each biophysic and social context


Provide professional and high quality services to arranging solutions each biophysic and social context



We deliver the best quality services based on our partner's requests and regulations in Indonesia


We involve our partners in planning the project development to achieve the best quality


Always try to deliver projects on time within budget, also be open, honest, consistent, transparent, and attentive



To protect the environment and natural resources, and maintain an effective environmental management system that complies with national and international standards


On environmental awareness among the staff, sub-consultants, and our clients through the distribution of policy in the refresher and induction training program


For any environmental initiatives from our staff and our clients and encourage the implementation of environmentally sustainable practices

“This Quality Policy is reviewed regularly by The Directors with continual improvement targets set and monitored”

Ir. Fuad Say Benny

Senior Project Advisor

“​More than 30 years active in consulting services of the environment and natural resources management”

Dr. Idung Risdiyanto, S.Si, M.Sc

Senior Climate Change Expert

“Lecturers who have more than 20 years of experience in various areas of climatology, hydrology, and conservation and are ALS certified from the HCV-RN International’’

Aswin Rahadian, S.Hut, M.Si, Ph.D (Cand)

Senior Terrestrial Carbon Expert

“Researchers in forestry, remote sensing, and spatial modeling who have more than 14 years of experience. Project Leader in PD Update (Phase 2) Katingan-Mentaya Project’’

Hariadi Propantoko, S.Hut, M.Si

President of Director

Aulia Bahadhori Mukti, S.P, M.si

Marketing Director

Mustofa, S.Hut, M.Si

Operational Director

Nevky Emiraj Saputra, S.Hut, M.Si

Community Development

Hanif Lukman Triatmojo, S.Hut

Forest Cultivation

Muhamad Wahyudi, S.P

Soil and Spatial Analysis

Bayu Aji Krisandi, S.P

Plant Health

Sheikha Ananda Mosa S.Hut

Forest Ecology

Kintan Nur Afrilita, S.Ak

Administration and Finance

Muhamad Fauzi

General Affair

Ir. Wahono

Social Mapping Expert

Said Abdullah, M.Si

Communication Development

Abdul Ghofur, M.Si

Anthropology Expert

Hikmah Nur Isnaini, S.Hut, M.For.Sc

Forestry: Quality Assurance, Auditor, and Biometrician

Sri Wahyuni, S.Hut, M.Si

Forestry, Remote Sensing and GIS Specialist

David Ardhian, M.Si

Social Development Expert

Misbahudin, S.T, M.T

Geodesy Expert

Aji Nuralam Sutono, S.Hut, M.Si

Ecology Expert

Pramudya R. D. Perdana, S.T, M.Sc

Geology Expert

Bayu Winata, S.Hut, M.Si

Ecology Expert

Amir Mahmud, M.Si

Livelihood, Land/Marine Tenure

Yekti Wahyuni, S.P

Social Expert