Our Experiences

We give the best services for make a memorable experiences

5 Years


26 Projects

Have been Carried Out

13 Provinces

Project Location

19 Clients

From Public and Private Sectors


Click on the pin location below for more information!


  1. Arrangement of IPDMIP
    Lesson Learned Documents

Jakarta and West Java

  1. Arrangement of Environtmental
    Quality Index Documents

  2. Feasibility Study of Wood Energy

  3. Arrangement of IPDMIP
    Lesson Learned Documents

South Sumatera

  1. Arrangement of IPDMIP
    Lesson Learned Documents


  1. Peat Inventory and Detailed
    Soil Survey
  2. HCV-HCSA Integrated
  3. Social Impact Assessment



West Sumatera

  1. Arrangement of IPDMIP
    Lesson Learned Documents

North Sumatera

  1. Peat Inventory and
    Drainability Assessment
  2. Topographic Mapping
  3. Rock and Sand Excavation
    Prospecting Study
  4. C Excavation Feasibility Study

West Kalimantan

  1. Forest Rehabilitation with
    Assisted Natural Regeneration
  2. Post-Fire Rehabilitation using
  3. Review and Update HCV
  4. Technical Guidance ANR
  5. Peat Inventory

Central Kalimantan

  1. Peat Drainability Assessment

East Kalimantan

  1. Water Management Planning Study
  2. Arrangement of Environmental
    Impact Assessment Report
  3. Social Assessment of HCV-HCSA
    Management Area
  4. Boundary Delineation of HCV-HCSA
    Management Area

Central Java

  1. Arrangement of IPDMIP
    Lesson Learned Documents



East Java

  1. Arrangement of IPDMIP
    Lesson Learned Documents


  1. Feasibility Study of
    Conservation Project