to the enhancement of the well-being of society by companies manifested in the
form of Community Development programs
and/or Corporate Social
Responsibility. To properly design a CSR program, the first
step is precisely capturing the situation.
The situation in question is finding the root of the existing problem, knowing
which parties have interests and what relationships connect between actors.
Therefore, knowledge and skills are needed in conducting social analysis with
the aim that companies can understand social reality and the situation of
society as a whole and with precision. As
a form of our contribution in supporting the successful implementation of
social and environmental responsibility by your good company, PT. Bhumi Pasa Hijau will
organize Training activities: Social Mapping For Designing
Social Program.
Key Topics
The training topics to be studied are:
Introducinig Social Mapping
Social Mapping Methods and Techniques
Practice Case Studies of Social Mapping in the Community
Social Empowerment Program Design
Trainer and Advisor
To ensure that the knowledge and skills related to the training topic are conveyed effectively to the participants, the involvement of reliable and experienced trainers and advisors is essential. The trainers and advisors for this training are:
Prof. Damayanti Buchori
Sustainability Science Expert
Council of professors at IPB University; development program leaders and advisors from international institutions as well as national institutions supported by the government.
David Ardhian, M. Si
Social Development Expert
National Food System Specialist at Food & Agriculture Organization- FAO Indonesia; Consultant for strategic planning for the Kehati Foundation, consultant for The Nature Conservancy forest development program, consultant and facilitator for the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) and project analysis specialist in the Kelola Sendang program.
Ir. Wahono
Social Mapping Expert
Director of the Nastari Nusantara Foundation, trainer and social approach training concept; development program leaders and advisors from international institutions as well as national institutions supported by the government.
Training Schedule
This training will last for 3 days with varied topics in each season
The training will take place from May 24 to 26, 2023
The training will be held at Swiss-Bellin Hotel Bogor
What will you get when you take this training?
Practical experience in the field
Souvenirs and training kit
Lunch and coffee break
The participants in this training are corporate sustainability and CSR, NGO’s and parties interested in designing social programs. With a maximum capacity of 15 Participants.
Training Fee
Package 1 IDR 8.500.000*** (Including accomodation at Swiss-Bellin Bogor)
Package 2 IDR 7,500,000** (Not including lodging accommodations)
** For the first 5 people who register for this training get a 10% discount
1. Package 1 Rp. 8,500,000 -> Rp. 7,650,000 (Including accommodation at Swiss-Bellin Hotel Bogor) 2. Package 2 Rp. 7,500,000 -> Rp. 6,850,000 (Not including lodging accommodations)
Registration is done via google form https://bit.ly/TrainingsosialBPH
Registration time is 3 April – 14 May 2023
Don’t MiSSED IT!
Mark your calendar and let’s improve our social environment to become the better one!
Register Here